What Are the UK’s Top 10 Most Popular Car Colours?

There are currently over 30.5 million cars on the roads in the UK in 2016. And almost a quarter of them are the same colour: silver.

Research by the RAC has found that 22.5% of all cars in the UK have silver paintwork. But the study also found that silver’s popularity is dwindling, with the number of silver cars dropping by almost half a million since 2013.

The data is compared to 2013 to give an insight into which car colours are growing in popularity and which are falling out of favour. Here are the UK’s top 10 most popular car colours right now, plus whether they are going up or down on the scale.

1. Silver

Silver Car Most Popular Car Colours

More than 6.8 million cars in the UK are silver, making it easily the most popular car colour. It makes up 22.5% of all cars in the UK and holds the top spot by a margin of almost a million cars.

But this number is in decline, having fallen by 7% since 2013, and may soon lose the top spot.

2. Black

Black cars are a common sight on the UK’s roads, with 19.4% of cars having black paintwork. And this number has increased by a huge 13% over the last three years, reaching almost 6 million cars.

3. Blue

More than 5.6 million cars in the UK are blue, making it the third most popular car colour. But that’s still 5% lower than in 2013.

4. Grey

Grey Bmw Car Paint Colours

Grey has skyrocketed in popularity as a car colour over the last few years. It was introduced by German brands like Audi and BMW and there are now 3.7 million grey cars in the UK, up 21% from just over 3 million in 2013.

Grey cars are also the fastest-growing car colour for new car registrations, with over 400,000 new grey cars bought in 2015 alone.

5. Red

Red car numbers have remained relatively static over the last three years, hovering at around 3.2 million. 10% of all cars on the roads are red, and it’s often the standard cost car colour for new models, so its popularity should endure.

6. White

White cars are one of the fastest growing trends, with numbers up by 91% since 2013. There are currently 2.8 million white cars in the UK, making up almost 10% of the total.

And white cars also topped the list of new car colours last year, with over 564,000 registrations.

7. Green

Green Car In Tunnel

Green is one of the declining car colours, down 30% over the last three years. There are just over a million green cars on the roads, making up 3.5% of the UK’s total cars.

8. Beige and buff

Neutral tones are perennially popular and have remained static in the top 10 over the last three years. There are some 235,000 cappuccino-toned cars on the roads.

9. Yellow

There are fewer yellow cars on the roads than in 2013, with numbers down 3% to 172,000. It’s a colour that’s mostly associated with supercars, though a number of superminis have also adopted the fun shade.

10. Brown

Brown cars are having a resurgence recently. There are less than 170,000 on the roads, but that number is up by 84% since 2013, when there were only 92,000.

Now you know the most popular car colours in the UK. But if you want to see what specific paint colour your car is, read our blog on how to find out what colour your car is.

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